03-12-25 C4C Irollie (TPM 2nd) AM

Yesterday, we laid out your play: use volume to outsmart the crypto chaos. A spike means a dip to buy; a steady rise means stake and hold. Regulators messing with staked ETH or deregulation kicking in—volume’s your guide on platforms like Binance or Coinbase. You’re not waiting around; you’re moving while the old world—banks, inflation, the dollar—crumbles. The elites can’t lock you out of this one.

But here’s the slip that could undo it: chasing the noise. Volume’s your signal, but rumors, hype, or panic can drown it out. Jump on a fake spike from some loudmouth’s tweet, and you’re stuck holding junk. Ignore a quiet climb because it’s not flashy, and you miss the real run. 

The SEC’s threats or a freedom push can stir the pot, but if you’re reacting to shadows instead of data, you’re toast. Stick to the signal—check the exchanges, not the chatter. The old system’s falling; don’t let distraction pull you under with it.

You’ve got the edge now. The dollar’s on its last legs, inflation’s a mess, and banks are history. Crypto’s your way forward, and staying sharp keeps you ahead. One wrong step, though, and you’re back with the crowd, scrambling. 

Tomorrow, we’ll switch gears to the one trend that could lock in your gains—no matter what the regulators or markets throw next. That’s your next piece; don’t miss it, or you’ll be playing catch-up.

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Did you know that 50,000 of your brain cells die every day?

If you’re over 50 and you forget a name, misplace your keys, or just feel foggy all the time — that means your brain cells are dying off even faster.

I was shocked to learn this myself.

It turns out… Stanford University neuroscientists identified a nasty “cell invader.” It attacks cells in the memory center of your brain - the hippocampus - causing your brain to shrink.

Thankfully there’s something you can do from home to clear it out.

>> Try this 8-second ear trick for better memory (backed by 5 scientific studies).

This Brain Clearance process is critical for flushing out toxic invaders from your hippocampus.

The 17,789 Americans who’ve tried this report improved memory and boosted brain power.

For the last 12 months, my team and I have been lucky enough to partner with Dr. James Rivers, the MIT-Trained neuroscientist who discovered this method.

Dr. Rivers has spent the better part of his career studying senescent cells, which is the technical term for the “brain invaders” that can shrivel up your brain’s memory center.

He’s considered one of New York City’s top brain doctors, and after he showed his 8-second daily ritual to his parents & in-laws…

They could only describe the sharp mental clarity they felt as “a cloud being lifted.” That's why so many seniors have called it a “memory miracle” or a “total game changer.”

This is a totally new way to address the root cause of brain fog, fuzzy thinking, and depleted brain power…and you can do it from home without any pills or exercise.

(The secret is in your ears.)

Check it out right here while you still can.

Poll Of The Day

Do you think ignoring hype and sticking to volume will keep you ahead in crypto this year

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Fun Fact Of The Day

Dogecoin started as a prank in 2013—two guys joking about a meme turned it into a crypto that’s outlasted plenty of “serious” coins!